Saturday 7 September 2013

Spit !

She won’t be shamed
And shan’t be blamed
And can’t stop screaming foul
Spit and rave.
Not contained.
In walls and hidden worlds
Lewd—uncharacteristic ‘shape’
Maal, Item, Figure,
Reduced, in words and ways.
In your movies, she is sickly contortion
Of silly rain dances
And shaking waists.
And on your streets
cooed and teased
In full length jeans,
Still unsafe.


  1. Stalking a woman is certainly NOT cool. Bollywood may do all it can to glamorize the whole issue of stalking but in reality, it only makes you come across as a creep and not a hero. And if you do not understand what the word 'no' means, you've wasted your life.

  2. whatever I scribble here wont suffice becoz only a girl can fully know what it feels like when being stalked, cooed and teased…
    when will our cities and towns be free, safe backyards for our girls and women?

  3. There will be men who thinks woman are to be ruled upon and then naturally there will be men who think woman are to be raped as well.
